A reason to get out of bed every day of your life!


This changes everything!

What is significant?

It is interesting what we find significant. We often think it is splash – you get it. in New Zealand there is a colloquial comical saying, “pop, a fat manu,” which means One jumps into the water – the ocean, or a pool, or a river, or… and attempts to make the biggest splash, and there are discovered ways that one can increase the size of ones splash by the way one impacts the water.

Come, let us be honest with ourselves if not each other. Do we actually want that interdependent relationship with God? Do we actually believe that he is what will fulfil us? Do we actually believe He can and will give us a longing of our hearts and that the only significance we need to worry about is being significant to God? do we believe that? Can we let go – scripture calls it modify, which is to murder – those things that we for that we think will make us significant, but once we achieve them, we are simply hungry again? Do you remember when Jesus was talking to the woman at the well And referred to, so after we drink it, we will never be thirsty again?

Look, I am no different than you – seriously, I’m not just trying to sound spiritually cool. I wrestle every day to trust Him, to be honest, when I say that, if He gives me the most obscured, tiny small rolled play, then I will be content. I don’t even want to say that, but I’ve been at it long enough that I want to want to say that and mean it. In the past nine plus years, especially the last 4 1/2 years, maybe more, my world has gotten smaller, and my reach, my impact, my contribution, my significance in a worldly sense is smaller. I do not talk to as many people influence as many people, impact multiple churches, get on aeroplanes, nor get paid in anyway other than humbly. I am leading a church again with a few diocesan roles. A few people know about or directly see my connection to. I am in a small diocese, compared to mini around the world, and a church that is very very complex, with some huge challenges, and issues to heal from and grow up past. Not everybody there really wants me to lead them, what they want is something very different, interesting leaders is not something they like doing – before you condemn them go stand in front of the mirror and then say what you’re about to say – and at times it’s not a lot of fun .

I’ve come to grips with myself wrestling with the above. And I am an alpha type leader and a leader that is intentional to go someplace and do something that matters and significant, to spend my energy on the kingdom. I have mature to the place where I try to empower others, and give all the credit to them when something happens – because they actually dare to follow me and do it!

Besides, being an alpha Peter or a Paul, Patrick or Aiden, my greatest contribution of significance will be known and seen, remembered or recognise my very many at all. , got has shown me that it will, in fact generations and will spread far beyond me. Am I great? Not at all – for those close to me inside my walls, no just how fallible, and how much I still wrestle to try to follow Him and be transformed to His image every day, and I am still healing from so many things and learning to trust that He Knows all things and will bring glory to Himself by my choosing to trust and not take control.

So, where is my significance – where He is gifted me, the greatest, where I get little or no credit, which helps me die of myself, just a little bit more every day/months/year. my significance, is in building up young leaders as they are on Anam Chara, their spiritual father, their mentor and coach, the formateur who is preparing them for the church – mission of tomorrow as the christen them form of church implodes.

They are men and women, I will was as a young man. Have I had a roll in that? Yes definitely. More, though God has entrusted me with some incredible complex, fallible, servants, leaders, who we can be encouraged for the future, even as things seem to be so dark right now.

This is my significance. May my name not be remembered, nor celebrated save by One. Yet, may my contribution reverberate for scores of years, seeing our Lord’s church grow, mature and reap souls and make disciples and hence, bring glory to Jesus.

Four Square & more…

Having people and allowing them to speak into your life is admirable. Having the right people rare, at least more rare than it should be for most.

On the wall in our kitchen is a sign. It is on 200+ year old slate from the Caribbean which adorned the roof of an Old New Orléans home until the end of the 20th century, It had seen a lot. On it reads, “A friend is someone who sees through the act and still enjoys the show.” May I take liberty? The rarest friend who not just sees through the act and enjoyed the show, and speaks into your life is someone worth keeping around. The one who sees you – really sees you, gets you, accepts you, sees the rubbish, the sin, the failings, the struggles, the weaknesses, and broken bits and STILL admires you, accepts you, builds you up, believes in you, will follow you, and loves, even adores you – fight for that one! Never let that one go – sacrifice, commit, stick close. For they are a gift of heaven.

I am so fortunate. I have made close friends, and lost a few I miss and regret many years later. Yet God has been gracious to me, for He has given me friends, brothers, sons, who know me – no, you don’t get it – really love me, know the darkest shamed chapters you want no one to read… and they meet the rarest standard above. I am so fortunate.

They make you, help you be your best you. you. They stick right there next to you. They bring you up and if needed, knock you back and even down, but for you. Fight for these relationships. They bring purpose, meaning and joy to life. The shared journey; well, when it is time, you’ll do the same and you won’t mind. The opportunity to act in sacrificial love is as joyous as their acts of love, even tough ones, for you.

Forget the promotions to do big stuff without those who matter [unless God clearly leads]. if God does, they’ll know it too and even before you. Trust them, they put you first, and you, them.

Make it count…

I began writing with four in mind, then thought no, there is another, and wait, one more… and then yes, another. Four are here, three in the US, one in the UK.

I was down one day this week, no tragedy, just discouraged deeply, from a 4.5 year situation that is not yet over. That night, I was supported – and then the next day, another… They get it, get me, stand by me and when I lose site of it all, quietly say my name like only the ones who read all the chapters can say it. They put their hand on my arm, and in the midst of the spinning winds, I suddenly slow and hear…

If you have one like this you are fortunate. If you have like I have – then you are a favourite of God! Multiple embodied images of Jesus in humans who are men of character, quality and depth.

One possible critique, will be that should be my wife. Don’t worry, she’s right there, always has been and is more today than ever. She’s glad I have these guys, these sons, brothers, combat mates. she does so much,but that needs its own blog. Today it is that manly rare friendship that causes love to leak out of my eyes.

Want to be floored? They are all younger than me, most notedly. Had I only been a man like them when I was their age. I am so blessed.

In closing, that leaking love… yea, I know… I’m a sot. I’m the fastest crier in the family, and in this band of brothers. Not only that, I hug them every chance I get and write a thousand word essay with each hug, closing it kissing their whiskered cheeks. I apologise not. I care not. They know their value, and neither do they care.

May you be blessed more than I.

Psalm 1


It has been a while is an Understatement

It has been a really long time since I left a post here. A lot of things have happened in my life, and be honest you have passed. The person who wrote the last post is the same and yet as a totally different person. The same convictions and Passions are there but they have also changed and evolved.

It’s been 4½ years. Wow. I’d love to sit down and tell you, and I don’t want to unpack it at all ~ simultaneously. So let’s pick it up for now.

I hope when you read, you will recognise an old friend and get to know somebody new… All over again.


I was happier before Banksy came.

This was fascinating title that instantly had me pop onto it (BBC article of same name).  It turned out to be the overwhelming uninvited responsibility, demand and pressure of having Banksy show up, unknown to the owner of the small business, and leave his infamous social commentary via art that will outlive him and rival any of the artists in the past three hundred years.  That’s just it – he has a life, a business and now he’s managing an art installation and has a responsibility for it, though he never asked for and is not prepared for such pressure or responsibility.  I get it!  We bear burdens that we never asked for all the time.  We bear pressures that are not ours, but we must as responsible people bear them.

The Banksy artwork

What it left me thinking about was actually the pressure of today – a day and age where there is instant, immediate in nanoseconds what is occurring around the world.  It’s not more, we just know about more now.  In fact, there is so much, news agencies (editors) must prioritise what to even share with us, because it’s overwhelming.  For Christians well over 100,000 saints are martyred every year.  How many a day?  …a lot!  BUT we get an article a week – and I’m thankful we get that.

Yet, this is only the tip: there are climate issues, economic issues, refugee issues, famine, war, a plethora of natural disasters, crime, malfeasance and crazy national leaders doing really dumb stuff EVERY DAY!   Honestly, I’m so pulled to retreat, to hide, to simply respond to how I am doing questions with, “Just doing me.”  It’d be simpler, I could find my emotional and psychological Zen space with God and love people from the overflow.  I could monastic it so easy!  Read, pray, Scripture, and nice small very localised faith.

Yet we cannot do that! It’s not the nature of the one emulating and following Jesus.  Anglican, Catholic and Orthodox priests are assigned a cure when they are the priest, vicar of local parishes.  Bishops have a see (larger cure).  In simple terms, there is the responsibility to care, to give a damn, to pastor, love, bear witness, speak into, heal, right, disciple the entire cure (area) assigned.  As the church we are assigned cure of the world.  Yes, the world.  Sure, it begins with our immediate cure, our church’s cure, our diocesan cure/see, but it is for us, the Body of Christ to care for the world, and to help individuals and entire societies to get a glimpse of God’s face in how we act, speak, feel, prophetically speak to power, right wrongs, heal, and share-sacrifice our lives for them… even loving enemies.  I need not quote verses if you are still reading.  If you need verses – use Google!

But as the sun sets where you are today, yes, it’s not what you asked for, it’s not even within our ability to carry.  It’s not within our ability to even carry in our hearts.  Somehow we trust God through it, in it, and as we walk through it.  We must steward, care for our cure – even if we now know so much more of what is happening.  As we go, we depend, trust, that Christ will weave our small efforts and prayers and entrust it to Him.  BUT like the small business owner, now stewarding what will be a historic treasure, we cannot simply walk away either.


In our past was an age, a culture that defined itself by compliance and unity, going with the flow.  This afforded those with power to corrupt and co-opt others.  We ended up with wars that never should have happened, barons of manna ($) who formed and manipulated systems to abuse and take advantage of others, for which God will judge.  It also led to a cultural pendulum swing towards individuality…  self determination and defining.  Now as we end 2017 though I find something interesting… a lot of millennials define themselves in some “indie” (independent individuality) against the tide of culture… What I note though is that they do want a tribe of other “indies” with them and they too, like other generations before, have tribal rules of dress, habits, foods, music and value systems.

I have the joy of living in a socially progressive nation and the capital, Wellington, is the point of that value system, which has many positive aspects for the collective society.  It also has its blind spots.  The “indies” all say they are for “free thinking” and individual freedom of thought…  until you have a different value or opinion.  They’re not new at this, but they are so social media consumed that most cannot see how intolerant they are.  I’m around a very well intended tribe that truly wants to do good things in society, and they are great people, whom I love.  What they can’t see is the typical millennial blind spot though of living rough and simply in several areas, then getting on jets and touring the globe, or eating rough, yet indulging in the banquet of luxury afforded in our affluent society.  I’m not attacking them… mine did the same, as did the Gen Y’s.  As did the boomers before me.  It’s funny, each generation thinks its different though, while being the same…. human; therefore self absorbed, blind to its foibles and destined to repeat the human condition.

Funny in being the latest “indie” tribe though is the very cultural distinctive identifying markers they value from independent thinking, which the rest of the tribe ascribes to… because it’s communicated this is how one does….  fill in the blank.  Yet, if that cultural “indie” more became the centre of the culture and other tribes adopted what this present “indie” crowd defines itself by, they would abandon that more because it’s not really a more, but an identifier to mark them, define them, against the others.  We’re funny that way, aye?  It’s like the cartoon movie, The Incredibles.  When everyone is special, no one is special.  In the human condition, especially today in the most broken, dysfunctional, amoral, purposeless, meaningless, self absorbed time in history – at least since the later Roman Empire, we never more undefined, unaware of the inherent value inscribed upon us in our Imago Dei, for whom we are created to relate.  In our post-Christendom pluralistic, globalised, secularised do-it-yourself spirituality as long as there is no god whom one must engage or be accountable, no definition of ethical or moral outside of our own design, age we find ourselves not having a d*** clue as to why we’re here, what is truly deeply fulfilling.  We get hints of it, but can’t seem to find the source of that aphrodisiac fragrance…  Therefore, we seek to define it and create it in our own efforts.

The challenge:  first, how do we (those of us who claim to know and follow and be under the loving reign of Christ) actually become a people so in love with, so transformed by, so aligned to our calling and purpose in this world as salt, light, ambassadors, priests, fragrances to a world so d*** lost and unaware?  How can we first be transformed and actually in love ourselves – before we “fake it” to convince others of a love for Him for which they do not see in us.  You can’t fake that.  If it is real, they see it with no confusion before you ever utter His name.  Secondly, rather than us, His people, trying to get them to say “uncle” and mentally ascend to facts we hold true, let them first smell that aroma and be undeniably drawn to seek its source.  Let us love, sacrifice, be inconvenienced, forbear, practice deference that they want to know these truths plainly.

the past few years tattoos and skinny jeans have marked the “indie” and next will be the return of the bell bottom or baggy jean, from short to long, to short hair…  Blah, blah, blah, blah….  Who cares!  Rather than chase such vain and empty things, maybe we can chase the lover of our souls and then maybe our lost culture, which we love, will want to chase us?

Nga manãkitanga katoa i roto ia te Karaiti
[All of Christ’s blessings to you]

~ MichaelIMG_6297

Mourn, grieve, weep. Let us Lament.

I offer this link.  I have no words other than to exhort that we abandon our self absorbed and self actualising understanding of life and life in the Kingdom.

See :  http://archbishopcranmer.com/christian-missionaries-aleppo-crucified-beheaded/

A Lil Rant – regular ole preach up!


A preach up!

Today I had the privilege to preach Pentecost!  This was as the church filled with “billows of smoke” (as it says in Acts 2!)…  I took a risk – time to speak plain, to give it straight from what I felt the Spirit saying.  I had pondered this message for three weeks – how Pentecost was already an established feast, what it was, why Peter quoted Joel, the context for Joel’s prophesy, the implications of the day, how the birth of the church, the coming of the Spirit was not a reaction – but God’ plan from the beginning and the mandate we have as a result of it!   It went really well – only offended a few (unintentionally!), but most loved it – though it pricked them to incarnate their neighbourhoods as the body of Christ!

I don’t often push the recordings out there, but thought I might share it with you while it’s hot off the press.  If you are in need of a laugh, want to do a little critique, give it a listen.  

Click here to listen


Preamble:  This is not a theological defense or attack.  It is not a thesis.  It is a thought or two, a consideration, an encouragement.  I also confess I am an Anglican, a Catholic Evangelical…  So, get over those hurdles and start from a post-reformation saint trying to authentically and orthodoxically follow the Messiah…  Now, read on!

I have Catholic roots.  I have evangelical roots.  I am an Evangelical Anglo-Catholic who is a missional missionary and leader in an urban post-Christian post-modern reality in a western context.  I suffer the same over marketed drowning culture as you, if you’re reading this!  There is no space for reflection, getting perspective unless one turns off, tunes out, blocks space to slow down and actually really do real thinking and meditating.


Ever been in a time praying with others and the most common phrases were, “Lord we just…” or “hmmm…”  and rambling 1000 words to say what could be said in 50?  Yet in those times come birthing authenticity and earnestness.  There is strength and weakness.  Like most things in life, it is not complete or holistic.  It becomes trite and shallow and only includes what we feel and think about right now… in the moment and doesn’t help us see, think, feel (also known as align) with God, His will, or transform us, but reduces prayer to our limited shallow theology and emotions of the day.  BUT it also presents the real needs of the day – and mysteriously God includes us in His efficacious engagement with the world by moving in our prayer!  A mystery!  I heard it said recently that God somehow includes us, begins our reign with Him even now, even sharing His power with us, by making us part of the way He moves!  A huge mandate to intercede!

Yet that is incomplete.

I have experienced seasons (two plus years to be gut honest!) where it was dark, real dark.  I had no words.  I was out of words.  I didn’t feel and what I did sense was dark!  I didn’t even have energy to intercede regularly.  The only thing that kept me; what healed me; what sustained me – was praying the Divine offices….  regular times of prayer every day, where I was led, like spiritual therapy, as compared with physical therapy.  It impacted me emotionally, mentally from the core of spiritual therapy.  It guided me, reminded me, told me and exhorted me – because my heart was too dark to remember.  I am every grateful for those times of liturgy.

I am also limited – I need and have come to find encouragement, even transformation in liturgy!  I have found that it helps me get how to worship and adore Him, without a string of dime store, supermarket check out queue romance novel empty words I don’t relate to beyond mental ascent, but certainly not with the faithfulness of the command to Love the Lord my God with all of my mind, all of my body, all of my heart, all of my strength (will).

Why?  What is the draw to the liturgy?  Most holistically, what is the draw to a holistic and authentic use of liturgy – which makes plenty of room for the need of the day, the intentions of the heart, the aches and emotions that need and should be expressed?

There are several reasons for this BOTH AND to be holistic and healthy and that any liturgy provides for the former and while shaping us in the latter.  First, We don’t reflect seasonally or thoroughly through all of the things we should reflect upon without a plan, a calendar.  We don’t remember well at all.  Liturgy drives this.  Second, Liturgy is mostly Scripture!  All Anglican and Catholic, and Orthodox liturgies are formed and collected from Scripture.  Can one object to praying Scripture?  Third, by the first two, it helps form us, transform us, and align us.  Ever pray, “Your will be done?”  Ever pray “we want what you want God?”  Well, this is how we align our desire, our posture, our perspective to God.  Scripture guides us, and the liturgy is in a schedule, a routine that helps us think through and worship in a holistic way.  Fourth, Liturgy aligns our world, our lives along God’s paradigm, instead of a pagan calendar…  these two are a step closer to a Biblical world view.  In a world where there is less than 10% Biblical world view held by the Christian population of all traditions, this would be very helpful.

Furthermore, when you reach – and you will – if you’re young and in denial, okay, I’ll wait for life to slap the ever loving s*** out of you and you’ll be back to tell me you now get it – that point where you cannot even form a prayer, the liturgy takes you there, where you should and need to be and that transformation and slow realignment, rebirth of your soul can occur – because it aligns you with Him, His will, His perspective, and the release to trust and allow God to be, well, God!  It’s surrender, but that’s not popular today.

These well written, theologically thought through liturgies and prayers are the 50 words to say what can be said in 50 words, verses 1000 to say what could be said in 50!  They are thought out, constructed, well chosen vocabulary, and have been prayed and reflected upon and sharpened over centuries.  There is wisdom in listening to good orators, or reading good writing – well, here you are!  AND it’s shared and prayed with thousands of others same day and in a world where the time zones shift, it means it is prayed repeatedly every hour for twenty-four hours!  AND it’s been prayed for centuries.  It exposes you to others.  Within the Anglican tradition there are approved liturgies and prayer books across the globe.  They are the same, but also include innovative thought through contributions of others.

Then for those who are passionate about expressing what’s on the heart, liturgy provides space every time you gather to pray openly, in your own earnest passion about anything and everything!  It also frames prayer to include the things and reflect the values of a diocese, a society, today.  So, there is nothing lost.

I think the resistance when we get honest, is a) uneducated fear of it being unorthodox or boring, or too rigid, b) not accustomed to anyone having any form – we so embrace no form (discipline) of any type, we resist it even when it’s good to allow input to help form us holistically.  Think of it as doing sit-ups; if you only do crunches and belly muscle work, you’ll be humped over in a short time, because you haven’t holistically trained your body to also address the counter balance of strengthening the back;  and c) the lie of our time that if it’s old its irrelevant and modern only is good.  Additionally, I think we don’t know how to focus, to slow down, to listen well.  Liturgy provides that space – we need it desperately!  Our lack of it has birthed theology for how we feel today – lack of orthodoxy at best and heresy at worst.  We’re moved by the emotion of today… because we feel it earnestly doesn’t make it right or true; yet it has become the arbitrating reality today.

So, give it a consideration!  Don’t go nuts.  Where I am, we practice morning and evening prayers together.  It’s not some painful hour for our busy contemporary lives.  It’s 8.30a and 5.30p…  It frames the day.  The New Zealand Anglican Prayer book also offers a short mid-day prayer and compline/night prayer for the end of the day.  It is chalked with variations and options, festival days, etc, providing variance and routine and freedom to adapt and move with the earnestness of the day.  It is respected not just by the global Anglican Communion, but other traditions as well.  There is also the Book of Common Prayer – still used (with editing over time) since the early 1600’s!  One can also draw from the Orthodox and Catholic Missals.  Our fore-fathers and mothers developed Divine offices, set times of day where different forms/types/postures/purposes of prayer occur.  I practice seven offices each day – none are ordinarilly long, five alone, some very brief, altering time when conflicting in a meeting, etc.  I vary how I do it, but it helps me, forms me, reminds me, makes sure I practice all the postures from intercession, to repentance, to adoration, etc.  Do I ever just pray?  You bet – regular form of life for me; and at times do retreats, as well as long prayer walks on my own, where I just talk with God – telling Him more than one would ever want!

To sum it up, in good consolation seasons of life, or the dark nights of the soul, it keeps me.  It keeps me when I can’t keep it.  It helps me holistically seek, know and be known, to posture myself and keep perspective.  I’ll give you one short example.  At 4p daily, my phone/laptop/pad gives me a reminder for none (9th hour of the day prayer… anytime from 3-4p daily… I set mine for 4p because it best fits my life demands.  At none prayer, the reminder in my phone has notes to help remind me, a very short liturgy that helps me keep perspective, to think, be reminded and to align my heart to God’s – to surrender.  How?  Here is my None prayer:  “It is mid to late afternoon.  It is the fading part of the day, the time of decline, when shadows begin to lengthen.  The fading of time brings home death and impermanence and the need to connect with something transcendent.”  This simple reminder puts my very temporal time here on earth in perspective with the eternal reality inwhich I live.  I don’t take myself or my contribution in this world so serious that I think “I’m all that.”  It reminds me I am small and I serve with authenticity and sincerity, but the world is His!   In the notes of this reminder for None, is “None is nine; the night hour of the day.  It is mid to late afternoon.  It is the fading part of the day, the time of decline, when shadows begin to lengthen.  The fading of time brings home death and impermanence and the need to connect with something transcendent (beyond time).  This perspective helps us connect with what is most important.  It is an opportunity to acknowledge the limits of our lives.”    You see?  It keeps me.  It keeps me a humble disciple.  I’ll not bore you with all of my prayer structure here, but will gladly share them with you if they would help.  In the mean time, I encourage you to consider adding liturgy to your rhythm of life as a Christ follower.  For a taster, I’d recommend Common Prayer, http://commonprayer.net/.  It’s a once a day contemporary taster for anabaptist traditions.  You can also source the NZ Prayer Book, http://anglicanprayerbook.nz/, or the Book of Common Prayer, along with many other resources, http://anglicansonline.org/resources/bcp.html.  Feel free to research divine offices, etc.  Don’t go nuts!  Start slow – mine grew over years of practice and experimenting, participating with monks and living in and amongst Anglicans here in New Zealand.

In closing – I’m not saying ditching spontaneity in prayer.  Of course pray without ceasing.  Pray when needs arise, when parting or gathering, or for a specific move in the heart – including the persecuted church which is always on my heart (!).  BUT be holistic, as one is with exercise or diet.  Be healthy!  Your body will wear out and die.  Your soul – who you are is eternal!  So be healthy!  Learn to see life (think, feel, posture, attitude, action) in a holistic healthy full orthodoxy and allow yourself to be shaped by Scripture as you pray and pray together!  My experience is people who practice this, especially committed with a group of others, come to faithfully value it and miss it immensely when it’s not a regular part of their lives!  And I’m talking about millennials, not boomers or x’ers.

I’d love to hear how others are experiencing this!

Why We Can’t Fit Into The Shapes In Other’s Minds — John Siddique

A VLOG from Wise Words Festival, Canterbury, on creativity, meditation, writing, presence, and the thorny subject of why we can’t fit other people’s ideas of who they want us to be.

via Why We Can’t Fit Into The Shapes In Other’s Minds — John Siddique